Friday, May 13, 2005

update from Linda and Gale

Hello all of Graham’s friends,

Gale (Graham’s cousin) and Marge (Graham’s mother) have been here for a week now. Gale wrote the following letter back home and said I could send it on to you all as well. I did take them out on Saturday and Sunday for a visit but on Monday morning I smashed my little toe on my right foot thus making not only walking but also driving impossible for the time being. Gale and Marge went to visit by bus on Tuesday but Marge came down with a bit of a sore throat and cold so has been stuck at home with me! On Wednesday and Thursday Gale went on his own, venturing out sitting on the top of the double decker bus and getting some interesting sights in on the way to Pinderfields. He has been a star in helping me to do some decorating to sell my house. Today, after Airasa’s job interview (fingers crossed everyone!), she and Ian will come and take Marge to the hospital for a visit and Gale will have a day of rest. I hope to be mobile again soon but for the moment I am stuck at home.

Over to Gale then:


Wrote you yesterday, but before I was able to send, it disappeared into the great unknown. Anyway, Aunt Margie has been sick for the past couple of days so was unable to go to the hospital with me Wednesday and Thursday so I went on the bus to Pinderfields by myself.

Yesterday Jim was in bed when I arrived in the afternoon as he had minor surgery in the morning to insert a pubic catheter. From what Jim told me there are three types that are used and his doctor felt this was the best for his condition at this time; anyway I was shocked to find him on his back with an oxygen mask. He had forgotten to mention the surgery the day before as it had slipped his mind with all the other topics we were talking about.

Jim’s overall condition was not a shock to me and he is making improvements slowly but surely. Wednesday while I was there he wheeled himself into the patient lounge on his own, which took a while, but none the less was able to get the job done. Now he's not gripping the wheels to do this; he has special gloves with rubber pads that provide substantial friction and allow him to move the chair by simply brushing the pads over the wheels.

The weather here has been wonderful and, although it has rained a couple of days, the sun has been out everyday and I find the climate this time of year much like home. We enjoy the different wildlife (mostly birds) but different than what we have around home – Magpies, etc. Linda says (and puts food out for) there is a fox that comes by the house at night, although we haven't seen it, but living next to a wooded park I’m certain they're around. Don't know if they feed upon cats, but there certainly are lots of them here.

Haven't had much of a chance to get out (other then the area around Linda's home) and do a lot of sight seeing, but this Saturday Airasa and Ian are taking us to York where the shop keepers will be waiting for us. Linda did take us into Leeds and pointed out some of the interesting sights and also to the University where she works. Took a lot pictures so will do a slide show when I get home.

Glad I didn't rent a car and try to get around as I think it would drive me crazy with all the buses on these narrow streets and not know who is supposed to pull to the side to let the other by. Linda says there are rules about this but nobody bothers to follow them.

Well I'm going to get busy and start breakfast for Aunt Margie and myself and then I've got a little painting left to do on a wall I repaired in Linda's home. So talk to you later and see you when I return.




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