Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Happy Blog Aniversary

I can't believe its been a year since I started this Blog. Our Fearless Leader Graham's accident happened a year ago on January 7, 2005. He was in Leeds England at the time of his neck injury. Now a year latter he is back in the US in a care facility in Santa Barbara. I've been receiving the e-mails from Linda and have heard he will be getting a two bedroom apartment which will be fitted for his wheel chair.

Linda is visiting in the states and up at Margi's house and visiting Graham daily. Soon he will be set up with a laptop and software so he can get back to the internet and communicate with e-mail. I hope to get him set up on the UFOESP blog so he can communicate and even get his own blog.

Personally I have been so bogged down with raising my children that I haven't been to visit Graham yet. One of my daughters has Asperger’s syndrome (9 years old) and I am constantly challenged and so tired at the end of the day! I have a four year old girl also and she is very hyper too! (Don't know if she's ASD yet). I feel guilty, but I'm glad Graham has had such a great family and support crew to help him. I plan to visit him this spring. That’s what he needs most, a friendly visit from an old spacer buddy!

World Con this Labor Day weekend will be at the Anaheim Convention Center. (LA CON IV). My husband and I will be attending. I hope to set up a UFOESP delegation. I'll open up the comments again on this sight so visitors can comment and make suggestions for UFOESP. What is the future for our spacer group? Let us know.

Space is the Place!

Fearless Leader Sue