Mid-February update
Dear All,
This time I have put you all in BCC as was suggested some time ago, but I have not done it before. I send myself the main copy. I hope this suits you all.
Progress is going now very nicely. Graham's fancy laptop computer and professional voice activated software has been ordered. He will also have some typing sticks as well as a big trackball, which he should be able to use to move the cursor on the computer. All of this will come around the same time that he is ready to move, we hope.
The apartment will be vacated soon and then it will be modified to suit Graham's needs. We don't have any concrete information on how that will be done yet, or exactly what will be done, but once the report on his home needs is completed, we will make sure he gets what he needs.
There is hope that Graham will return to work at Clio, part time to start, of course -- sometime in the not too distant future. It is still 'early days' for Graham as it is only just over year since the accident. But I know he really does want to return to work. It may be that a stair lift for wheelchairs can be put into the building to get him up to the Clio floor. In case you would like a look, here is a website: http://dealers.garaventa.ca/mckinley/index.cfm/page/sl-artira that shows these lifts. They can go around corners and they fold up against the wall when not in use.
Graham has been having regular help from his Personal Assistant, provided by the Department of Rehab. Doug comes in once or twice a week to work with him on the computer, doing the typing for Graham. This has meant Graham has taken over his own banking and other computer work. Thanks again to Clio folks for all their wonderful help and gifts that have made it possible for Graham to go online.
My next trip there will start a week before Graham is going to move into his apartment. I will make sure everything is ready for his transition and then stay another two weeks to make sure everything goes smoothly. We don't know when that will be yet, but I am guessing mid-late March for my arrival. I will stay in the apartment for the first week but once he has moved in I may very well stay elsewhere so that he and his caregivers can adjust without too much constant interference from me! I will, of course, spend plenty of time with him as well.
I have put all the updates I wrote in January onto the UFOESP blog (www.ufoespblog.blogspot.com) now and will put this one there as well.
Airasa is in regular phone contact with Graham and I am writing to him via email. I know that people continue to visit him and that he has made it to church with help from people in the church family.
When we seven come over in July-August for the celebration, I feel confident that Graham will have progressed a lot and will becoming more competent at moving around his world. I am very excited about it and grateful that I have been able to help.
May you all have a wonderful February and may spring bring flowers, sunshine and happiness.
Love and peace,
This time I have put you all in BCC as was suggested some time ago, but I have not done it before. I send myself the main copy. I hope this suits you all.
Progress is going now very nicely. Graham's fancy laptop computer and professional voice activated software has been ordered. He will also have some typing sticks as well as a big trackball, which he should be able to use to move the cursor on the computer. All of this will come around the same time that he is ready to move, we hope.
The apartment will be vacated soon and then it will be modified to suit Graham's needs. We don't have any concrete information on how that will be done yet, or exactly what will be done, but once the report on his home needs is completed, we will make sure he gets what he needs.
There is hope that Graham will return to work at Clio, part time to start, of course -- sometime in the not too distant future. It is still 'early days' for Graham as it is only just over year since the accident. But I know he really does want to return to work. It may be that a stair lift for wheelchairs can be put into the building to get him up to the Clio floor. In case you would like a look, here is a website: http://dealers.garaventa.ca/mckinley/index.cfm/page/sl-artira that shows these lifts. They can go around corners and they fold up against the wall when not in use.
Graham has been having regular help from his Personal Assistant, provided by the Department of Rehab. Doug comes in once or twice a week to work with him on the computer, doing the typing for Graham. This has meant Graham has taken over his own banking and other computer work. Thanks again to Clio folks for all their wonderful help and gifts that have made it possible for Graham to go online.
My next trip there will start a week before Graham is going to move into his apartment. I will make sure everything is ready for his transition and then stay another two weeks to make sure everything goes smoothly. We don't know when that will be yet, but I am guessing mid-late March for my arrival. I will stay in the apartment for the first week but once he has moved in I may very well stay elsewhere so that he and his caregivers can adjust without too much constant interference from me! I will, of course, spend plenty of time with him as well.
I have put all the updates I wrote in January onto the UFOESP blog (www.ufoespblog.blogspot.com) now and will put this one there as well.
Airasa is in regular phone contact with Graham and I am writing to him via email. I know that people continue to visit him and that he has made it to church with help from people in the church family.
When we seven come over in July-August for the celebration, I feel confident that Graham will have progressed a lot and will becoming more competent at moving around his world. I am very excited about it and grateful that I have been able to help.
May you all have a wonderful February and may spring bring flowers, sunshine and happiness.
Love and peace,
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