Dear all,
A quick update of the progress made in the past two weeks:
Graham's apartment A will be his on the 1st of April barring any glitches and is lovely!!
Moving of items to keep from old apartment to new apartment will take place next week
volunteers please phone Craig (email address does not work for him, don't know new one!)
Graham actually DOES have one good single bed (I scrutinized it!) so only one other bed is needed -- move is done now - update on 5th May Moving from storage unit to bedroom in new place will take place 4th of April via movers part of the cost will be covered from the wonderful Clio folks fund for Graham. He will receive a refund for days not used at storage unit, negotiated with the kind Lynn. Unwanted items from old apartment will be hauled to dump same day by same movers. All the move is done, old junk gone to dump and rest is in his new place!
Layout has been drawn of new place to help see where things will fit. Need for special height for eating/reading table and for desk to be designed as need 34" clearance for wheelchair. Need to have open space for wheelchair -- no table/desk legs to bump into; possibly attach to walls -- have been told this is possible through one of the agencies he has been working with!
Interviews of caregivers has been slow but steady. More needed to interview. None chosen yet Do you KNOW anyone? Still interviewing this week and beyond. Need caregivers in place for Graham to go to RISB, as part of what they do is train them! Schedules for care needed have been devised. Contract for hiring Personal Attendants has been devised
With luck Graham might go to RISB around 1st of May (caregivers essential for that). RISB will assess his needs and facilitate getting required modifications. Insurance company has agreed to provide full electric bed. Also agreed to provide a floor hoist only but may take it and use as back up if we can get both. Have asked if they will give equivalent money - highly unlikely
Actually NEED ceiling hoist but I have assured Graham we will get that even if we have to take up a collection!
Insurance company has denied getting a lot of helpful aids, e.g., door unlocker, opener, ramp
Ins Co has also denied getting commode chair which is vital but RISB will make sure he has what is necessary. Other funds may be available to tap for things Ins Co has rejected.
Graham's income taxes have been filed and refunds are already on the way!
New computer with professional voice software has arrived and Graham has had one very successful training session. More training sessions will take place to get him ready to contract for CLIO writing abstracts!! New telephone has arrived and when he is in his apartment will be set up to accommodate his needs.
Graham had his first two bus rides to go to and return from his new apartment!!! He found it relatively easy. Bus drivers and other passengers were very accommodating. If you are local, perhaps offer to go somewhere on the bus with him so he will be even better riding them!
We want to take him places when we are here in the summer for the PARTY so practice needed
The wonderful ramp by Craig worked, but it needs some adjustment - he will need a permanent ramp evenutally. Hopefully there will be funds for that. Our visit to the apartment was really helpful. Graham was able to get through the internal doors of the apartment to the hallway and bedroom though it was tight!
We stopped at Paperback Alley to say hello while we were in Goleta!!
Kitchen items for Graham are being coordinated by the wonderful Alice Chaffee from ABC Clio -
she has the list if you have any contributions, please contact her (email address works for her)
When Graham is at RISB I trust someone will be able to check his mail at Post Office Box - this is VITAL - we have got someone!
Marvelous Douglas will continue to help Graham with emails, paying bills and so forth
We have changed his address from old apartment to PO Box. When he moves we will change PO Box to new apartment address so all post will be collectable by him. He was able to negotiate around the maze of the Oasis apartments to get to Office! Graham will need help to use key in apartment mail box!
Some helpful activity in getting Medi-Cal sorted out (what a bureaucracy THAT is!!)
Wonderful assistance by Dept of Rehab counsellor Susan Mathers in helping Graham
Also wonderful assistance by Carol Baizer and the others from Independent Living Resouces Center. Doctor's Assistant Carol Dodero continues to help in securing move to RISB and reassuring us it is all going to happen.
Graham stated the other day that he is looking forward to moving out of BVCC!! He seems ready for the challenge of living in his own apartment but is, understandably, a little scared
The maze for payment of caregivers is also a bit tricky' A Social Worker should be in place shortly to help with many things, like getting caregivers paid.
The Woodmans have been real stars in letting me stay here!! A HUGE thank you to them!!!
Good meals out with some locals have been fun and interesting. I managed to get some peace work in while here!
Amazing, but $13000+ money borrowed from State Dept for repatriation last Sept has been covered by Ins Co! State Dept still does not know he owes it (left hand/right hand!) but will eventually get money!
Graham will still need a manual wheel chair unlikely this will be provided by insurance or others since he has the nifty powered one but church has storage room with many so perhaps one could be found that would work for him?
Once Graham is in new place, he can slowly go through possessions with help from local visitors
Still need to find or contrive way for Graham to be able to drink water without help from others...
We are having a final meeting with Susan and Douglas on Monday where we summarize the results and plan
Wow -- long list, lots accomplished, only 3 more days before I go home!! My intent is to return when Graham moves from RISB to apartment to help settle him in with his new life there. I am hoping that will be in May; I do have an obligation the 25th of May in England, so must be there then.
Thank you once again to all you wonderful people, locals for helping and far-aways for writing encouragement!
Love and peace,
a very exhausted Linda!!