Sunday, January 30, 2005

Jan. 30th update

Thanks for all your birthday cards and emails. My dad had a good party yesterday and was really touched by all the messages you sent. Thank you Richard and Louise for sending my dad's CDs, Ian and I bought him a small CD/tape/radio for his birthday and he was impressed by the CDs you chose to send. Thank you also to Bill for sending the CD book, lots of listening material there. He had 8/9 visitors, we sang happy birthday to him and he blew out the candles on his cake, then he had as much cake and ice cream as he could eat. For dinner Ian went and bought a Chicken Tikka Masala curry as a special treat. Nancy Vergara(unfortunately I don't have her email address) sent some hot sauce which he appreciated. If you know her, pass on his thanks!
Lots of people have asked about things they can send him. Now he has a phone by his bedside, a 5 minute phone call would really do the trick. It is bound to be expensive but if you wanted to call the best time would be between 6-8pm GMT (10am-12noon PST) when Ian or I are usually there and can hold the phone for him. His number from the US is 011 44 7041 12 0091 extension 8808, from the UK it is 07041 120091 extension 8808.

Yesterday his ward had emptied out and he was getting a bit lonely, today it was full again and he had people to chat to. He managed to make a couple of phone calls tonight and was really happy to talk to people. We left him watching TV and looking generally contented. Still no news about Pinderfields - it's just a waiting game.

Love to all, Airasa


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