Monday, February 14, 2005

Additonal from Linda

Hello all,

I tried and tried to phone Graham last night but the number was always engaged (busy) and thus could not get through. The time difference will be even more difficult for you all. I guess if you tried first thing in the morning there it might get through. I tried here from 7 to 8 and after and it was always busy. That would be 11 to 12 West Coast time. So 9 a.m. there might be a good time to phone. I will tell him how difficult it is to get through when I see him today. I have lots of emails to read to him and more clothes to take to him so he can be up and dressed and do his bicycle exercises. It will be good to see him after missing for 2 days. I will send a (no doubt long) update this evening.

It will be great when Airasa and Ian are back with tales of their trip to Italy.

Take care, and mind your step!


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