Sunday, July 31, 2005

Yorkshire Sculpture Park day out

Dear all,

Forgive my silence -- it is about retiring and selling my house! Sorry! I Have been trying to put photos in here but it is hard to do with words. So I will continue in another way.

This first photo shows Airasa getting him to the taxi at Pinderfields.

Back to narrative: Graham is doing very well -- while Airasa and Ian were away last weekend I visited him on both Saturday and Sunday so he was pleased to see me. He was up and ate and used a new gizmo I brought him -- a plastic partition for his plate for pushing against. It seemed to work pretty well and he has continued to use it.

The US Embassy in London is now involved in getting Graham repatriated, so it could be just a few weeks now before he is back in California. A few things need to be sorted out still, but once everything is in place it will be goodbye to England for Graham.
The picture to the left shows the taxi lift gate.

I am going to post this onto website so I can put photos from our day out at Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Friday. We were away from the hospital for over 5 hours and Graham did very well indeed. He was tired when we got back to the hospital but so were we all!

As long as Graham can be in his wheelchair a few hours a day he is in better spirits because then he can do things for himself once set up -- like read a bit and feed himself and run his television/video. So far the new treatment seems to be working well on his skin, thought we did not get a report after his trip out. We hope it works so he can continue to get up every day and have his physiotherapy and his occupational therapy.

Thank you again to all those who are pressing forward with emptying out his apartment and moving stuff to the storage facility. It will make the upcoming move easier to have only him to get into an apartment and not all his stuff as well.

The next photo shows Airasa and Graham when we first arrived at the Sculpture Park and entered the building.

Back to narrabive: That he can read a magazine now is good. Reading is so important for Graham. He is also starting to use voice activated software on a computer. Progress!

OK, enough of this -- I will put it on the blog and add a bunch of pictures from Friday. I have now placed the rest of the photos on the website in the order they happened. So you can see some of what we did on the day out!

Kind regards to you all,


Blogger Allsouls Jedaye said...

Looks like you're bouncing back nicely, Graham. Soon you will be breathing Pacific air once again.

Keep the Faith,
FC Jeff

2:06 PM  
Blogger Allsouls Jedaye said...

Interesting paper:

Burning the Cosmic Commons:
Evolutionary Strategies for Interstellar Colonization

Robin Hanson
Department of Economics
George Mason University

July 1, 1998


Attempts to model interstellar colonization may seem hopelessly compromised by uncertainties
regarding the technologies and preferences of advanced civilizations. If light speed limits
travel speeds, however, then a selection effect may eventually determine frontier behavior. Making
weak assumptions about colonization technology, we use this selection effect to predict
colonists’ behavior, including which oases they colonize, how long they stay there, how many
seeds they then launch, how fast and far those seeds fly, and how behavior changes with increasing
congestion. This colonization model explains several astrophysical puzzles, predicting lone
oases like ours, amid large quiet regions with vast unused resources.

7:22 PM  

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